Su escuela Childtime de Doylestown, PA

Childtime de Doylestown

877.624.2602877.624.2602 o Solicite que lo llamemos
¿Padre inscrito?: Contáctenos
Abierto: L-V, 7:00 a. m.- 6:00 p. m.
Edades: 3 años - 7 años
Programe una visita

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Inscripción abierta para preescolar y pre-k

El camino al kindergarten, y al éxito futuro, pasa por el preescolar y el pre-k. Cuanto antes comience este recorrido su hijo, mejor. Déjenos garantizarle su preparación escolar.

Bienvenido a nuestra escuela

Welcome to Childtime in Doylestown, PA, our school is so much more than a "daycare" We offer several early education options including Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten - we provide care for ages three to six during the school year and three to ten during Summer Camp!

Here at Childtime, our educational philosophy is based on the Reggio Emilia approach; our children transition throughout the day, spending time in Language Arts, Creative Expressions, Math/Science and Gym/Music

Our programming is taught by our talented and dedicated team of teachers, who are committed to providing a safe and engaging environment for your child. All of our staff members participate in various training opportunities throughout the year to stay current in the field of early childhood education.

Estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo conectado durante todo el día mientras su hijo está bajo nuestro cuidado. Obtenga acceso a transmisión de video en vivo del aula de su hijo, además de otras actualizaciones en tiempo real, con nuestra aplicación móvil exclusiva para familias, SproutAbout.

Schedule a tour of our school today! We can't wait to meet your family and show you what makes Childtime of Doylestown, PA a wonderful place to learn and grow!

Reserve un recorrido en línea

¡Nuestra herramienta de programación lo hace simple, rápido y conveniente! Con solo unos pocos clics, puede elegir su fecha y hora ideales, y confirmar. 

Programe una visita ahora

Programas de Childtime


¡Es la mejor experiencia veraniega! Será una temporada fantástica, llena de amistades, juegos, descubrimientos, excursiones, comidas deliciosas y más. Disfrute de lo maravilloso del verano.

Explorar nuestro campamento de verano

Abra una ventana al día de su hijo.

SproutAbout®, nuestra aplicación exclusiva para las familias, brinda de forma gratuita streaming de video en vivo del aula de su hijo en su dispositivo móvil.

Conozca más

Conozca nuestro personal

Kris Corcoran , directora

Educación: Associates in Early Childhood Education and Director's Credential from Keystone College

Certificaciones: Private Academic Teaching Certification, Pediatric CPR/Frist Aid

With over 30 years experience in Early Childhood Education, I am thrilled to be the director at this amazing school, with it's phenomenal staff and wonderful families. I love interacting with the children and watching them grow and learn. I enjoy getting to know each family, and creating our Childtime family. When I am not at work, I enjoy traveling to tropical beaches and Disney with my husband and our daughters.

Conozca nuestro personal

Elizabeth Hoey, Directora asistente

Educación: BS in Education

Certificaciones: Teacher certification

I have been a Math/Science teacher for 20 years and Assistant Director for the past several years. I enjoy teaching and interacting with the families. I love to travel and spend quality time with my family and look forward to meeting you and yours soon!

Conozca nuestro personal

Gina Sanfratello- McMichael, Líder de equipo

Educación: Dual Bachelors in Early Childhood Education & Special Education, Masters in Reading- M.ed

Certificaciones: PreK-4th Grade Certification, Reading K-12

I've been a Language Arts Specialist here at Childtime for almost five years now, I am very excited to be a Team Lead as well as our school's Safety Captain. I love my job because I get to introduce all the students to reading, writing, phonics, and much much more! I love working with the students in small groups and setting them up for success in their future education.

Visítenos hoy

¡No vemos la hora de mostrarle todas las cosas maravillosas que suceden en nuestra escuela!

Programe una visita Solicite que lo llamemos

Número de teléfono de la escuela local: 215.348.8082215.348.8082
